Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving & PTO Meeting

Hello Summit Families,
Well there is a lot going on at school. Here's a list:

****Thanksgiving Break:   Nov. 21-25   NO SCHOOL****

Tonight: Wednesday, November 16th: PTO Meeting 6:30.

See's Candy Fundraiser: Nov. 14-Nov. 30. the whole school is invited to participate in raising money for the 6th Grade Trip to Catalina Island Marine Science Center. Forms went home this week.

Friday, November 18th: Our Thanksgiving Feast, noon at school. Don't miss this wonderful potluck feast. And stay for the 100th Birthday Cake for Summit School, we'll be singing Happy Birthday to Our school.

Saturday, November 19th: Noon. Planning Meeting for Sod Installation & Owl Box Installation. Thank you to Carla & Harold Edwards for their generous donation of sod for the grass area next to the picnic tables and to Camarillo Sod for their donation of Agromin. The Sod will be installed during Winter Break in late December. This meeting is to plan the installation and to assess what needs to be done and gets tools, equipment and volunteers lined up for the installation in December.
Thank you to Judy & Phil Walker for their generous donation of an Owl Box purchased from the Ojai Raptor Center to help with our gopher abatement efforts. Phil has attached the box to a pole and he needs a group of folks to help put it up before the Sod Planning Meeting Saturday am. Call Kimberly if you would like to help put up the Owl Box: 805-727-1393

Cafe Altura School Partnership: Now and ongoing. We are excited to be creating a new program with a local coffee roasting/importing company Cafe Altura. Owned by an Ojai family and roasting in Santa Paula for over 30 years, Cafe Altura responded to our request to create a program where schools benefit from sales of their coffee. Buy your coffee. Pick it up at school. Benefit your school. Thank you Cafe Altura. For more information click HERE. Or to order or sample the coffee call Marianne: 805-625-0508

Wrap-n-Mats Fundraiser: These reusable sandwich wraps are wonderful for the environment, teach kids about reusing items and benefit our 6th Grade Catalina Trip. $6 each. Many prints/patterns. Contact Marianne: 805-625-0508

****Thanksgiving Break:   Nov. 21-25   NO SCHOOL****