Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year! Are you registered with Escrips yet?

Welcome back Summit Families!
As we adjust back to our regular school schedule I wanted to take this time to remind you about what may be THE single easiest way to raise money for our PTO. Escrips. This is a national program where various stores participate through their "club card" system. You just register your club card (for example your Vons card) and everytime you swip it Summit PTO earns $$$$. When we ask family & friends to register and name Summit School on their escrip account it can add up fast.

Remember your PTO pays for instructional aids, ART TREK, field trips, and many of the other so called "extra" items that students count on.

Please take a few minutes to register on escrips to support Summit.

How to register:
1. Have your club card number handy.
2. CLICK HERE to go to the Escrips site to register.  and Follow the easy directions. 

Summits info: # 137 835 550
Summit School Parent Teacher Organization

3. Invite your family and friends to register and name Summit. Grandparents LOVE escrips. 

Our next PTO Meeting is 6:30pm, WEDNESDAY, January 18th
Our next Family Fun Night is Thursday, January 26th in the evening. This will be a free fun family event. Stay tuned for details.